castells vilafranca

Fiestas Mayores with Castells and Sardanas


The Fiestas Mayores in Catalonia are more than just parties. They are an expression of Catalan identity, a tribute to the patron saint of the village or city, and a moment to come together and celebrate traditions. These festivals are usually organized in the summer and are full of colorful parades, lively music, traditional dances, and delicious food.

Parades with Giants and Capgrossos

One of the highlights of the Fiesta Mayor are the parades. The Fiesta Mayor lasts for more than a week, but 2 or 3 days are the most important days with parades where floats, dance groups, and giant puppets walk through the streets. These puppets, the so-called giants and 'capgrossos' (big heads), are often symbols of the city or region and are made with great care and attention.

Watch for an impression the video of the parade in Vilafranca last year. Fire is an important part and many shops are boarded up in the days before. So don't wear your best clothes to avoid burn holes in your clothes. Happened to me the first time I watched the parade.

The traditional dances of Catalonia, such as the sardana, but especially the castells, play an important role during the Fiestas Mayores. The sardana is a round dance in which everyone can participate, while the castells are impressive human towers built by teams of daring dancers.

Last week was the Fiesta Mayor in Vilafranca and I was one of the more than 300 people who participated in the sardana. Really very special to experience.

Castells, human towers

The building of castells is an old Catalan tradition that has existed for centuries. These human towers are a fixed part of the local festivals and are cherished by many Catalan cities and villages. In 2010, castells were even declared intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO.

Many cities have their own group of Castellers. In Vilafranca del Penedès there are no less than 3. Watch the short documentary made by National Geographic with images from Vilafranca and the 2-yearly competition in Tarragona where the best teams from Catalonia compete for the title. This often goes to the Castellers de Vilafranca. This year the competition with 42 teams is on October 5th and 6th.

Well-known Fiestas Mayores

A well-known Fiesta Mayor is that of Barcelona, La Mercè, but also the Fiesta Mayor Santa Tecla in Tarragona and Sitges. All around September 20-22.

Experience a Fiesta Mayor?

Would you like to go to Catalonia and experience a Fiesta Mayor? Contact us for a proposal. Also for groups and business retreats.

There are also possibilities for a Castells workshop (only for groups) or to attend a training session of the Castellers.

The Fiestas Mayores are a great way to experience Catalan culture and are a special experience!
