chefs Disfrutar

Enjoy gastronomy at Disfrutar Barcelona!


Two years ago number 3, last year number 2 and the pattern continues ... this year number 1!

Congratulations to the chefs of Disfrutar Mateu Casañas, Oriol Castro, Eduard Xatruch and their staff. They met at the other famous restaurant in Catalunya, ElBulli, now ElBulli1846 experience museum near Roses. Listen to the podcast about Disfrutar including an intervew with Eduard Xatruch.

World's best restaurants

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Disfrutar and Compartir

Disfrutar opened their doors in Eixample in 2014 and in the meantime, received already 3 Michelin stars and 3 Soles Repsol before being the best restaurant of the world.

You can enjoy here Mediterranean cuisine at its best. It is all about pure emotion and creative emotion as a fundamental argument of gastronomy is the DNA of Disfrutar. You can experience this during one of their tasting menus Classic or Festival. There is also a third option: the Living table. You are then seated in the R&D kitchen of the restaurant and the maximum capacity is 6.

More info on the menus on No suprise all fully booked and new bookings are possible 1 year before.

Disfrutar (to enjoy), however, is not the only restaurant of these chefs. In Cadaques on Costa Brava and in Barcelona they opened Compartir (to share). Here you share fabulaous dishes. More on and

Also watch the video about Compartir Cadaques to get an impression ...
